Natalie Tenerelli:How long does it take you to get ready for a game?
"It takes me about 1.5 hours to get ready for a game, which doesn't include all the touch ups I have to do throughout the game to keep looking fresh!"
How much do you rehearse?
"I try to practice a little bit every day. Without including our regular rehearsals, I'd say I spend about 5-10 hours practicing a week."
What's in your gym bag?
"With our game bag comes mad amounts of anxiety. Nobody wants to be that girl who forgets her briefs or any piece of a uniform for that matter. I probably check my bag about 20 times before leaving my house to ensure I didn't leave anything behind. I'm a lunatic."
Blair Kim:
How long does it take you to get ready for a game?
"Takes me an hour and a half to get ready for game days!"
How much do you rehearse?
"For Clippers, there is between 6-9 hours of practice a week."
What's in your gym bag?
"In my game-day bag, I have all my costumes, makeup for touch-ups and candy to satisfy my sweet tooth."
Hannah Cormier:
How long does it take you to get ready for a game?
"It takes me about 2-3 hours to get ready for games."
How much do you rehearse?
"Six hours with the team and five hours on my own. Natalie and I get together a few times during the week to stay on top of our routines.
What's in your gym bag?
"I check my bag at least three times before I leave the house! On top of all of our uniforms, make up, shoes and props, I always bring a blow dryer because our pregame practices are so intense I step off the court looking like a wet dog!"
Candace Washington:
How long does it take you to get ready for a game?
"I've been on the team for four years now and I can get ready in an hour flat. It is an accomplishment that I am quite proud of! #praiseHIM"
How much do you rehearse?
"We practice as a team six hours a week, and I try to spend 30 minutes to an hour on our material every other day of the week if I can."
What's in your gym bag?
"Every game I cannot leave my coconut oil at home—it's good for my hair and my skin! But most importantly, I always make sure to head to the game listening to a positive message to get my mind ready for whatever may be coming when I arrive. #LACDS life is like a box of chocolates sometimes! YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOUR GONNA GET! Like The Lion King said, 'Be Prepareeeeeddd!' ;)"
Kellie Janeski:
How long does it take you to get ready for a game?
"It's the only time in life that I actually do my hair, so unfortunately, at least an hour and a half..."
How much do you rehearse?
"I would say probably only about 8-14 hours now, depending on how many games we have."
What's in your gym bag?
"My old, beat-up makeup bag, Motrin, Tiger Balm, nude panties, curling iron, amino acids and a protein bar! I wish I could bring my dog."
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