Tuesday, 1 March 2016

NASCAR For Trump! Racing CEO and Drivers Endorse Republican Candidate

NASCAR For Trump! Racing CEO and Drivers Endorse Republican Candidate
Just a day before some Southern states send in their Super Tuesday ballots, Donald Trump has added some heavyweight endorsements to his campaign.

NASCAR CEO Brian France, along with retired race car driver Bill Elliot and his son Chase have endorsed the billionaire businessman for president, making a show of their support at Trump's rally on Monday in fronts of thousands, CNN reports.

"You know about his winning in business and success. I'm gonna tell you, he wins with his family," France said about the GOP front-runner. "That's how I judge a winner."

While France showed nothing for support at the rally, it was a clear contrast to the racing association's response to Trump's past comments on Mexican immigrants. According to CNN, after the presidential hopeful called them criminals and "rapists," NASCAR moved its postseason banquet – originally to be held at the Trump National Doral – to a different location.

Still, NASCAR champion, Elliot also reportedly backed Trump.

"For what he can do I think for our country, I'm all for it. We need a change guys, that's all there is to is," he said.

Endorsements from NASCAR came on the heels of a significantly more controversial endorsement Trump recently received.

On Sunday, during a State of the Union interview, CNN's Jake Tapper pointed out that former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke endorsed the real estate mogul. Controversy sparked when Trump refused to denounce the endorsement after being asked several times if he would "condemn" the support of Duke and other white supremacists.

After catching heat from other Republican candidates, Trump blamed his refusal to reject Duke's endorsement on a "bad earpiece."people

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