Thursday 28 January 2016

Denmark Passes Law Allowing Confiscation Of Refugees’ Valuables

Denmark‘s parliament passed measures on Tuesday aimed at deterring refugees from seeking asylum, including confiscating valuables to pay for their stay, despite protests from international human rights organizations. 

The measures, which also include extending family reunification among refugees from one year to three years, are the latest sign that the Nordic welcome for refugees is waning as large numbers flee war in Africa and Middle East for a better life in Europe.

The “jewelry bill” is the latest attempt by Denmark‘s minority center-right government to curb immigration to a country that took in a record 20,000 refugees last year. Under the bill, refugees could keep possessions amounting to 10,000 Danish crowns ($1,450), raised from 3,000 crowns after criticism from human rights organizations. Valuables of special emotional value such as wedding rings will be exempt.

The Liberals Party government has just 34 out of 179 seats in parliament and depends on support of rightist parties, including the anti-immigration Danish People’s Party (DF), to pass laws. During a three and a half hour debate, dissenting voices from small leftwing parties were heard including from Red Green Alliance. But the bill passed with an overwhelming majority, backed by the main center-left opposition party Social Democrats, highlighting a shift to the right in Denmark‘s political landscape thanks to DF’s popularity and rising concern over refugee numbers.

Source: olumide

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