Thursday 28 January 2016

Czech President Slammed For Making A Joke About Killing PM

The Czech Republic’s President Milos Zeman has caused outrage in the country after joking about using a Kalashnikov assault rifle to get rid of his Prime Minister and adversary. Opposition parties and government politicians alike have united in condemnation at the president’s comments targeting Bohuslav Sobotka.

Zeman made the comment while at a public debate in the town of Tisnov after a member of the audience asked what to do to the Prime Minister, known for his more moderate stance on the refugee crisis.

“If you want to get rid of any politician, including the president, there is only one democratic way and that is a free election, which will take place in a year,” Zeman said.

“And then there is an undemocratic path that is called Kalashnikov,” he said with a smile, the Reuters news agency reported. Zeman has been previously criticised for his hardline stance on refugees and has called the flow of people fleeing wars in the Middle East and Asia, an “organised invasion”. Sobotka, who leads the ruling Social Democrat (CSSD) government, has condemned the president’s comments.

Source; Aljazeera. 

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