Sunday 14 August 2016

Ronald Reagan’s daughter slams Donald Trump for Second Amendment comments

Patti Davis, the daughter of President (and conservative icon) Ronald Reagan, denounced Donald Trump’s “fondness for verbal violence” in response to his comments about “Second Amendment people” and Hillary Clinton.

In her Facebook rebuke, Davis recounted how her father had survived John Hinckley, Jr.’s assassination attempt, which Hinckley had said was inspired by a movie. She then told Trump his “glib and horrifying comment” was heard by many — including those who could be incited to violence if given the idea.

“Yes, Mr. Trump, words matter,” Davis said. “But then you know that, which makes this all even more horrifying.”

Read the rest of Davis’ post below.
To Donald Trump: I am the daughter of a man who was shot by someone who got his inspiration from a movie, someone who believed if he killed the President the actress from that movie would notice him. Your glib and horrifying comment about "Second Amendment people" was heard around the world. It was heard by sane and decent people who shudder at your fondness for verbal violence. It was heard by your supporters, many of whom gleefully and angrily yell, "Lock her up!" at your rallies. It was heard by the person sitting alone in a room, locked in his own dark fantasies, who sees unbridled violence as a way to make his mark in the world, and is just looking for ideas. Yes, Mr. Trump, words matter. But then you know that, which makes this all even more horrifying.

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