Monday 21 March 2016

The Obamas in Cuba: First Family Tours Havana Despite Downpour as President Says Change Is Coming

The Obamas in Cuba: First Family Tours Havana Despite Downpour as President Says Change Is Coming
Lluvia, lluvia, vete! (That's "rain, rain, go away" for non-Spanish speakers.)

Even the rain couldn't stop the First Family's milestone trip to Cuba, with the Obamas touring Havana after touching down in the island nation on Sunday.

After arriving at the Havana airport in the afternoon, President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha Obama immediately began their tour of the city's historic district.
The Obamas walked among a cheering crowd, who united to chant "U.S.A.!" near Plaza de Armas Square. The First Family later stopped at the Museo de la Ciudad, Havana's official city museum, which displayed a portrait of Abraham Lincoln for the special occasion.

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"The time is right," President Obama told ABC's David Muir of the trip – the first by a sitting American president in 90 years. "Obviously, our intention has always been to get a ball rolling knowing that change wasn't going to happen overnight."

"Although we have significant differences around human rights and individual liberties… We thought that coming now would maximize our abilities to prompt more change," he added in the interview from Havana.

"Change is gonna happen here and I think that Raul Castro understands that," Obama said ahead of his meeting with the Cuban President on Monday afternoon.

While the formal sit-down is scheduled, many – including Donald Trump – noted Castro's absence at the airport when the family arrived.

"Wow, President Obama just landed in Cuba, a big deal, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to greet him," tweeted the GOP front-runner. "He greeted Pope and others. No respect."

The First Family will remain in Cuba until Thursday – then they'll travel on to Argentina to meet with the country's new president.people

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