Wednesday 27 January 2016

Stacey Dash Asks for an Apology From Critics, Claims Morgan Freeman Shares Her Views – As Gabrielle Union Calls Her a 'Crazy Lady'

Stacey Dash Asks for an Apology From Her Critics
Stacey Dash is waiting for an apology, but not everyone is on board. After receiving major backlash for her recent comments calling for the elimination of Black History Month and the BET Network,
the actress and Fox correspondent says she deserves an apology from all her critics.

In a blog post entitled, "Twitter Haters, When Do I Get My Apology for Agreeing with Morgan Freeman about #BlackHistoryMonth?," Dash claims Morgan Freeman expressed similar views.

"When I spoke out on Fox News and on my blog about the need to get rid of BET and Black History Month, all the same usual Twitter haters came out of the woodwork to troll me and say all sorts of disgusting things about me," Dash, 49, wrote. "Well, if you're going to call me ignorant, stupid, and an Uncle Tom, you need to be intellectually honest and also call out Morgan Freeman."
Adding, "What's that you say? You didn't realize that Morgan Freeman agrees with me that having a Black History Month is actually racist and a part of the problem in healing race relations in America?"

In the post, Dash included a 2006 video clip from 60 Minutes of Freeman's comments about Black History Month. (Freeman has not commented about the recent Oscar diversity controversy.)

When reporter Mike Wallace asked his thoughts about Black History Month, Freeman responded with, "Ridiculous. You're going to relegate my history to a month?"

"I don't want a a Black History Month. Black history is American history," the actor, 78, added.

"Damn straight, Morgan Freeman! Preach it!," Dash wrote. "It's time we decide as a society whether we want to care about race or not. Like Morgan Freeman says, there is no White History Month and there should be no Black History Month. Black history is American history."

This post comes shortly after Dash referred to the recent Oscar boycott as "ludicrous" and claimed that BET lies to American black people.

"I think it's ludicrous," Dash, 49, said about the response to the lack of diversity surrounding the Oscar nominations. "We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don't want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the [NAACP] Image Awards, where you're only awarded if you're black."

"If it were the other way around, we would be up in arms, it's a double standard," she added before saying "there shouldn't be a black history month. We're Americans. Period."

Before signing off her blog, the Clueless actress had one last message.

"You want racial healing and reconciliation? You want true equality? Listen to Morgan Freeman – Stop. Talking. About. Race," Dash wrote.

Adding, "Like I said ... so when do the Twitter trolls apologize to me? I'll wait right here."

Despite her plea, there's at least one prominent African-American actress that will not stand for it – Gabrielle Union.

When asked about Dash's comments, Union responded with, "Who's that? Who's Stacey Dash?"

"If you don't see yourself reflected in mainstream awards, you tend to create your own," Union, 43, told the Associated Press at the 2016 Sundance Festival. "Until there is no longer a need for that, I celebrate the ALMAs, the same way I celebrate the Country Music Awards, and the same way I celebrate the BET Awards and the Image Awards, which we’ll all be at in a couple of weeks. The more that we focus on inclusion and a true representation of this country, I think that crazy lady will have less to say."people

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