Friday, 8 January 2016

Donald Trump Not Again?????????????

A Donald Trump rally in Burlington, Vermont, Thursday night was overflowing with thousands of Trump supporters who waited in line for hours in hopes of nabbing a seat.
The event was also attended by Bernie Sanders supporters – for whom the Donald handed down a harsh message.

"Throw 'em out into the cold," the GOP frontrunner ordered security, as the protesters shouted, "Bernie! Bernie!"

"Don't give him his coat," Trump added. "Keep his coat, confiscate his coat."

"It's about 10 degrees below zero outside ... You can keep his coat. Tell him we'll send it to him in a couple of weeks," Trump told security.

"You know, it's sort of fun. Isn't this more exciting?" Trump told the crowd. "You know, you go to a Hillary thing. It's like, boring. You go to a Jeb thing and you fall asleep."

The protesters weren't the only ones ejected from the event. Trump's security turned away anyone who refused to pledge their allegiance to the billionaire businessman – even undecided voters.

"We have more than 20,000 people that showed up for 1,400 spots. I'm taking care of my people, not people who don't want to vote for me or are undecided," Trump said in a statement, according to NBC News. "They are loyal to me and I am loyal to them."

While President Obama was participating in a town hall meeting on his new gun control measures Thursday night, Trump repeated his promise to do away with gun-free zones on military bases, and added he would also "get rid of school gun-free zones" on his first day in office.

"There's no more gun-free zones," Trump said to a huge applause from the crowd.

When the real estate mogul later heard another protester shouting from the crowd, he asked, "Are there any remnants?"

"There's a remnant," he told security. "Throw him out .people

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