Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Beyoncé Isn't Making a Saartjie Baartman Movie

Beyoncé Isn't Making a Saartjie Baartman Movie
Earlier this week, a U.K. paper claimed that Beyoncé was working on a movie about the tragedy of Saartjie Baartman, widely known as Hottentot Venus. The idea immediately seemed off.

That Beyoncé would write a screenplay should’ve tipped people off that this was false. It also seems unlikely that she’d be involved in such a potentially controversial project, but the assumption was that Bey was looking for a challenge and an Oscar.

Beyoncé’s rep released a statement to Billboard denying the story: “Beyoncé is in no way tied to this project. This is an important story that should be told, however.”jezebel

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