Thursday, 8 October 2015

Wonderful Wonders of Vinegar

Our vanity is lined with bottles of olive oil and coconut oil for easy access when we get an urge to DIY.
Vinegar is the latest kitchen staple we've added to our bathroom beauty stock. Vinegar has a slew of benefits when added to your regular hair and skin care routine. You can use it to clear up dandruff, soothe dry skin, and disinfect your makeup brushes.

Naturally, apple cider vinegar (which is the best choice for topical applications) is an antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. ACV also has alpha-hydroxy acids and acetic acid built in, so it can give your skin a much-need exfoliating treatment while balancing pH. Keep reading to discover 10 uses
for vinegar outside of the normal egg-dying, salad-garnishing realm.

Soothe Itchy Skin

Pour one cup of apple cider vinegar in your bath water to let the anti-inflammatory properties soothe itchy skin caused by eczema or psoriasis.

Reveal Shiny, Brass-Free Hair

Apple cider vinegar can act as a clarifying step to remove any product buildup. Apply five drops of vinegar (mixed with cold water in a bowl) on hair and scalp after you've thoroughly rinsed out your conditioner. You can even leave the ACV rinse in to help give strands extra shine.

Smooth Skin
The acidity of vinegar helps to tighten pores and dissolve dry skin. So, it's not just good for your face. Add a few drops in your body or hand cream to get the brightening effects over every inch of your skinTone
Vinegar balances the pH of the skin and acts as an astringent on oily complexions. Stir up a half-and-half mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to use as a toner before your daily moisturizing routine. ACV also has natural alpha-hydroxy acids that gently exfoliate dead skin.

Blast away dandruff
Apple cider vinegar has natural antifungal properties and therefore can help eliminate a flaky scalp caused by dandruff. Create your own cleansing shampoo by mixing a solution that's half water and half apple cider vinegar into a spray bottle and apply.

Remedy Razor Bump
Dip your cotton ball in undiluted apple cider vinegar and wipe over razor bumps to soothe the ache and disinfect the area. The anti-inflammatory properties of vinegar will help take down any redness, and the acidic pH helps eliminate ingrown hairs.

Stop Smelly Feet
Vinegar is an antifungal that will help mask the smell of stinky feet. Mix one cup of ACV in about four cups of water for a DIY foot soak. After a 15-minute dunk, you'll no longer have smelly toes.

Detox Mask

For a serious detox mask, mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of bentonite clay (or any other clay of your choosing). The ACV works to exfoliate and balance pH, while the clay extracts impurities from the pores.

Cleanse Your Makeup Tools
Yes, you can revive your dirty makeup brushes with a simple mix of soap and water. But as an extra disinfecting step, you can dip your tools in a solution of water and vinegar.

Ease Sunburn
Prevent blisters and peeling by applying a washcloth soaked in a vinegar solution (one part ACV, four parts water). The balm will help reduce swelling, redness, and burning because vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties.Popsugar

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