Wednesday 9 September 2015

What's next for Kim Davis? Judge says she can't withhold marriage licenses

Image result for kim davis clerk
(CNN)Kim Davis is a free woman now, but what will she do when she returns to work?
Could she end up behind bars again?

The Kentucky clerk, who was held in contempt of court for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses, was released with a caveat she may not be willing to accept.
When U.S. District Judge David Bunning released Davis from jail on Tuesday -- five days after he sent her there -- he said he was satisfied that her deputies had fulfilled their obligations in her absence.
But Bunning's new order says Davis cannot interfere with her deputies issuing marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.
That means Davis could find herself behind bars again if she does anything to prevent the marriages from taking place, CNN Senior Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin said.
"If Ms. Davis stops them from issuing licenses, then we are right back where we started," Toobin said. "And Judge Bunning has made it quite clear, he will lock her back up."
Davis, who said issuing the licenses would violate her conscience and go against her religion, plans to return to work in Rowan County this week and won't resign from her post, attorney Mat Staver said. Asked by a reporter whether her stay in jail was worth it, Davis smiled and nodded.
But she didn't speak directly about the case, and the key question remains unanswered: When she goes back to work, what will she do when she gets there?

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