Thursday 10 September 2015

Restore Young Skin and Fight Signs of Aging: Part 1

By Carly Young, Special to LifeScript
Many people who are dissatisfied with their fine lines, eye wrinkles and other signs of aging are reluctant to turn to plastic surgery. Even though procedures like facelifts can tighten up skin and reduce other signs of aging, the risks that come with going under the knife, like facial scarring, are too much of a deterrent for many. If surgery’s not for you, what exactly can you do to help keep your skin looking young? In order to answer that question, let’s take a look at exactly how our skin ages and what causes wrinkles and other signs of aging...
Slow Sloughing
The smooth, flawless skin that we’re born with as babies can become wrinkled and saggy as we advance in age. This is due in part to extrinsic, or external, factors that can oftentimes be controlled or eliminated. They include sunlight, cigarette smoke and pollution. On the other hand, time, which is an intrinsic factor of aging, is unstoppable. Let’s take a look at how both these factors result in fine lines and other signs of aging.
The stratum corneum is the outer layer of your skin. It’s made up of a protective layer of dead skin that is formed when fresh skin cells push their way to the top of the skin and then die. As new cells die, the stratum corneum is constantly sloughed off, renewing and refreshing itself. Unfortunately, this sloughing process winds down as we advance in age.  In a child, cells turn over every 28-30 days, but for a person who’s in their sixties, this process only occurs around every 45-50 days. In short, the older we grow, the slower our skin is able to regenerate itself.
Wrinkles in Time
Collagen is a protein that helps our skin to look young and taut. Collagen is especially susceptible to attacks from free radicals, and over time these attacks lead to a destructive chemical change that causes signs of aging. Healthy collagen molecules slide over each other, giving way to soft, young skin, but after they’re damaged they become “cross-linked,” or stiff and rigid, making skin look ld. How do these healthy molecules become damaged?
Free radicals harm our cells by randomly bouncing around in their interior and even between them. They can damage every single part of our cells, including the nucleus, where our DNA is stored, and the mitochondria, which makes the energy for our cells. Because the plasma membrane, or the exterior wall, of the cell is the most crowded, free radicals do more damage there than in any other part of the cell.
Free radicals can be triggered by sunlight and pollution, among other elements. When your skin absorbs UV light or is exposed to harmful toxins like cigarette smoke, free radicals are activated. An enzyme that breaks down fat in your skin is also activated. Though fat loss may sound desirable, your skin is one place where fat cells are actually good – they keep skin supple and moist. As fat continues to be broken down, a chemical is produced that paves the way for inflammatory molecules, which cause eye wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging
These inflammatory molecules are called transcription factors. Their job is to send chemical messages to your body, telling your DNA to produce proteins and telling your cells what to do. These otherwise harmless molecules can be turned on by free radicals that have been activated by sunlight or toxins. These molecules then travel to the nucleus and tell your DNA to start producing various chemicals. When the transcription factors are triggered by ultra-violet light, they turn on something called AP-1, which starts secreting enzymes that digest collagen, causing tiny scars. You know these tiny scars by another name: wrinkles.
Other factors that can precipitate signs of aging are sleep deprivation, the use of harsh soaps, stress, excess alcohol consumption, and a diet low in nutrients and high in salt. However, even if you took a clue from Smokey Bear and hibernated in a cave for the rest of your life, your skin would still fall victim to the passage of time. As time passes, your skin will experience: fat loss, dryness (because your skin’s ability to produce oil glands will decrease), sagginess and loss of firmness, and a decreased ability to repair damage. Your skin’s collagen structure will also break down. But don’t give up hope just yet. Although you can’t help the fact that time will pass and your skin will look older as you advance in years, it’s still important to protect and care for your skin. By doing so, you can put your skin on the right path toward aging gracefully.

How to Fight Damage
Certain skin care products and nutrients can help combat signs of aging. When choosing an anti-aging treatment, make sure it contains antioxidants, which are a powerful defense against harmful free radicals. Topical vitamin C, one such antioxidant, may help your body to produce more collagen, thus thickening your skin. Alpha hydroxy acid, another type of antioxidant, may also thicken the skin if used on a regular basis. It also helps the skin to hold onto moisture longer. Alpha lipoic acid is also a key player in the battle against misbehaving transcription factors. Like harmful sunlight, it can also activate AP-1, but with beneficial results. AP-1 that has been activated by alpha lipoic acid and not by sunlight attacks only damaged collagen, thus reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Polypeptides, another skin-saver, can help renew skin tissue and cells. When choosing an anti-aging skin care product, think about what kind of results you want and make sure to purchase the right product for your own individual skin type. Don’t let wrinkles get the best of you!
For more information on how different antioxidants can work for you and help fight signs of aging, check out part two of this series.

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